Quality politics

BURMAR, company dedicated to “Design and production of sweets, gum drops and flavored soft drinks”, adapting to the needs of Quality-Productivity in an increasingly competitive market, and aware of the commitment it makes to society, has a Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of the International Standards UNE-EN ISO 9001 (version in vigor).

The Management expressly expresses its fundamental commitment to comply with the requirements and enhance Quality in BURMAR and puts into play the necessary resources to achieve compliance with the following Policy:


  • The main objective is customer satisfaction, all interested parties and fulfilling the obligation to manufacture safe-safe, legal, authentic and quality products.
  • Quality requires collaboration and participation at all levels and for this, information, communication (internal-external) and training are essential. Within this area, it is considered essential to establish training programs that contribute to enriching the level of qualification of our staff, so that a participatory attitude is motivated for all levels and members of the Organization.
  • All staff must accept the commitment to improve Quality within the field of their job.
  • The Management Manual is the document that contains the philosophy and guidelines of the System, which are developed in the different procedures referred to in the aforementioned document.
  • The Management is committed to compliance with the applicable legal and regulatory requirements, the requirements of customers and those associated with our product (safety, quality, legality, specifications and mode of production).
  • The Management is committed to the continuous improvement of the Quality Management System, objectives and goals. Failures should be used to learn and eliminate the sources or causes that generated them.
  • The Management delegates to the Quality Manager the tasks aimed at the implementation and verification of compliance with the System, for which he is granted the necessary authority and independence within BURMAR
  • It is the responsibility of the entire Organization to comply with the provisions of this Management System.
  • Burmar is committed to complying with the following requirements, standards and regulations to be certified: Islamic Board HALAL Guarantee Mark Use Regulations and Conditions of Application, GSO 2055-1, UAE 2055-1, MS-1500, HAS 23000 and HAS 23201.
  • The company expresses its commitment to sustainability and governance to balance the environment, the economy and society.
  • Maximize the effectiveness of our organization with respect for the environment through organized waste management and avoiding food waste.


The General Directorate of BURMAR ensures that its Quality Policy is understood and accepted by all staff; and with the help of internal audits it verifies that the Quality Management System maintains its efficiency and adequacy.


Signed: Evaristo Burgueño Márquez (Director)

